8月2日0时—24时,河南省新增本土确诊病例2例(郑州市1例、商丘市1例);新增本土无症状感染者15例(郑州市15例)。 自3日起,将二七区京广路街道调整为高风险地区,将二七区长江路街道、二七区嵩山路街道望江居社区、管城回族区陇海马路街道海棠湾、管城回族区航海东路街道芦邢庄花苑、荥阳市乔楼镇狮村社区、荥阳市贾峪镇周垌村等6个地区调整为中风险地区。 “郑州发布”微信公众号发布重要提示:7月16日至今,凡在郑州市第六人民医院就诊、陪护、滞留等人员,就近到指定机构做核酸检测,结果出具前,居家自我隔离,非必要不外出。 The Chinese mainland on Monday recorded 61 new confirmed COVID-19 cases and 23 new asymptomatic cases that were locally transmitted, the latest data from the National Health Commission showed on Tuesday. A total of 45 locally transmitted cases were reported in east China’s Jiangsu Province, with five in Nanjing City and 40 in Yangzhou City, the provincial government said on Tuesday. Yangzhou imposed a lockdown in its residential communities on Tuesday, local authorities said at a press conference on Tuesday morning.
Road and air transport in and out of the cities of Nanjing and Yangzhou have been halted, provincial authorities said at a press conference on Tuesday afternoon.
Six local cases were detected in Hunan Province and three in Hubei Province, NHC data showed. The authorities in Zhangjiajie, central China's Hunan Province, have barred people from leaving the city, according to a notice issued on Tuesday. Hubei Province said all three local cases were found in the capital Wuhan city. Wuhan will conduct citywide COVID-19 nucleic acid testing, according to the local government. Henan and Yunnan provinces reported two locally transmitted cases each, while Beijing, Shanghai municipalities and Fujian Province detected one local case each. One residential compound in Erqi District of Zhengzhou was declared COVID-19 high-risk and 6 other areas in the city medium-risk, local health authorities said on Tuesday.The capital of central China's Henan Province will conduct a second round of all-inclusive nucleic acid testing in Erqi District from Tuesday. Shanghai listed a residential compound in Pudong New Area as medium-risk area on Tuesday after a COVID-19 case was reported in the area on Monday, according to local authorities at a press conference. The patient, who has been vaccinated, is a cargo service staffer in Shanghai Pudong International Airport. So far, no positive cases were found after testing the patient's close contacts. 疫苗该不该打?打完疫苗就安全了吗? 8月3日,张文宏在上海市疫情防控发布会上介绍,该浦东机场确诊者已接种疫苗。但临床数据显示,任何一款疫苗都不能百分之百预防感染,新冠疫苗也不例外。接种新冠疫苗后,少数高危人群被感染的情况必然存在。 现有研究显示,从目前全球情况来看,出现接种新冠疫苗以后又被感染的情况,叫做“突破病例”, 其他疫苗也有类似情况,但出现突破病例仍是少数。 若没有疫苗保护, 此次出现病例后,传播会非常迅速。第一轮筛查结果显示,这名确诊者的所有密接者没有一例阳性。这说明,疫苗广泛接种可使病毒传播速度大幅减缓,从而有更加大的把握在非常短的时间内做到防控。 7月31日,中国工程院院士钟南山在广州出席一峰会活动时明确指出,当前国产疫苗对抵御德尔塔毒株 “有效”且“非常安全。” 据他介绍,基于今年5月份广州新冠病毒德尔塔变异株暴发疫情的研究,结果证明国产疫苗是有保护作用的。研究初步统计显示,疫苗对重症的保护效果为100%,对中度、轻度、无症状的保护效果分别为76.9%、67.2%、63.2%。相关的研究成果后续将发表。 他指出,我国需要83.3%的接种率才能达到群体免疫。为此他特别呼吁大家要重视疫苗接种。 与此同时,钟南山强调,在人多、通气差的密集场所一定要戴好口罩,“不能放松,要时刻关注社区的防控措施和建立群体免疫。” 7月31日,在国务院联防联控机制新闻发布会上,中国疾控中心免疫规划首席专家邵一鸣在回答CGTN记者提问时表示,疫苗接种必须和严格的防控措施并用,才是防止疫情反弹的主要措施,接种疫苗之后,应该继续维持个人的防护措施,包括戴口罩、保证社交距离和勤洗手等。 At the press conference held by local authorities on Tuesday, Zhang Wenhong, a renowned medical expert in China, said that full vaccination could help slow down the spread of virus, expressing his confidence in slowing the spread. China's top respiratory disease specialist, Zhong Nanshan, said at an event on Saturday that Chinese COVID-19 vaccines can protect people against the Delta variant, referencing studies of some 100 COVID-19 patients who were infected with the variant in Guangzhou in May. To achieve herd immunity through vaccination, China needs to inoculate 83.3 percent of its population, Zhong said. He reminded people that wearing masks in public indoor settings is still necessary. During a press conference last weekend, Shao Yiming, a researcher at Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention also noted that people should wear masks when indoors, keep social distancing and wash hands frequently even if they’ve been vaccinated. 推荐阅读:11天296例!警惕! 毒株已锁定,南京全市管控升级!